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is oxford casino hotel openThe Irish bookie had the then-president elect at 12/1 not to complete his first term, for reasons that included assassination. The Irish bookie had the then-president elect at 12/1 not to complete his first term, for reasons that included assassination. (Image: CNN)The benefit of these platforms to the gambler is obvious — but in this unregulated environment, where the users dictate the agenda, dark ideas are permitted to thrive.This week, Mashable reported of a brave new world where a bet on the likelihood of a Trump assassination in 2018 is just a few clicks away, provided you have an Ethereum wallet and you’ve downloaded the “prediction market protocol” app, Augur.User-led ‘Prediction Platform’Augur launched on July 9. The bet was removed following a public outcry.But it’s not all about poor taste. Assassination markets, such as the one that has appeared on President Donald Trump on blockchain platform Augur, are shunned by regulated bookmakers, and not just for reasons of poor taste — they could be incitement to murder. And they’ve led it to a scary place in less than three weeks.Paddy Power Goes Too FarAssassination betting markets are not completely new, but they are considered beyond the pale for the regulated betting industry.That didn’t stop Paddy Power from offering odds on Barack Obama’s assassination back in 2008 – sort of. draftkings casino reddit

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